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We are proud to support and promote the unique honey from Beeology by Haridemos, a small local family beekeeper. The honey is produced in a modern beekeeping unit, using organic methods. It is a pure and unheated product, free of pesticides, insecticides, or other chemical elements. Honey has always been considered a superfood.


Thyme honey is derived from beehives located in unspoiled Cypriots mountainous and seaside regions where wild thyme flourishes – Mitsero, Agrokipia, Arediou area at Lefkosia district and Pachna, Paramali, Alektora area in Lemesos district.


Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it disinfects the throat, calms cold symptoms and, by reducing the adhesion of bacteria to the respiratory wall, it prevents their proliferation.

Thyme honey by Beeology (470g)

SKU: 20010003041
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